Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pre-Thanksgiving Reflections

Hey everyone, its Thanksgiving Eve! Enjoy the passion and pageantry of it all! I’m driving down to Georgia tomorrow morning and looking forward to catching up with the fam. I rarely get to see my family living in another state so its always nice to catch up with them.

Of course, I have to answer two exciting questions every time I go to a major gathering, whether it’s a wedding, funeral, reunion, holiday, etc.

1) Am I dating someone? This is always a fun topic for the family to openly discuss. First, some prospective without being too informative (gotta protect some information).

Within my immediate family, parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. I’ve held out the longest in age before starting a family. I’m 27 and everyone in my family by this stage has either been married, had children or both. Plus, the fact that my closest cousin got married this summer and we’re the same age doesn’t help.

So when the fam starts talking to me about things, inevidably, my status as a single guy will come up. I’ll tell them that I’m single and one or two may wonder if there’s something wrong with me.

I even make it a game to predict who will be the first one to ask me about my relationship status. It’s a fun game that the whole family can try.

The funny thing about it is that once in a while, I’ll tell one of them that I’m single and they chastise me like I’ve chosen this path. They seem to think since I’m a young professional in graduate school with a job, nice, decent looking and dare I say a baller and a shot caller, that this should translate to lots of ladies knocking on my door just yearning to date your boy. I can tell you that this is not the case at all, but the perception is that I turn down women because of my high standards or something like that.

I’ve written about my standards in the past here:

Those aren’t many, so I’m not being picky. I’m just not dating anyone right now and I’m cool with that and the family is fine with that too, they just want me to be happy, which is exactly what you want from the fam.

2) What I’m going to do once I graduate from school? This one has started within the past year. I don’t know what I’m doing next week, let alone in May 2009. I know what city I will be living in and my school and job until then. After May, who knows.

However, having this unpredictability doesn’t sit well with some members of the family. I think that their belief is that you go from point A to B to C. However, I was at A, took a unique turn at B and am trying to get to C in a different way. Everyone is down with where I’m trying to go, its just the path.

I don’t have clear answers for any of these things but I do love seeing everyone, especially the young ones.

I used to be the baby of the family but now we have kids who are in high school and lower and they actually look to me as a role model, which is weird.

I keep it honest with them, sometimes too honest, but I actually take that role seriously.

That’s all from me. I’ll have the lame “What I’m Thankful For” post tomorrow with all of our traditions. It contains pie, egg nog, watching the Lions lose again and talking about how selfish Terrell Owens is with the uncles. Fun times!

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