Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Reflections

Hey everyone, happy Thanksgiving to those of you out there reading this tonight.

This is the token “What I’m thankful for” post. I was going to list a lot of things like my family, life, liberty, hope, faith and many other things.

In the end, I’m thankful about being able to live my life. That’s first and foremost. We all should be thankful for that. This life isn’t guaranteed for us.

I have a family that loves me and more support than I deserve.

Most importantly, I’m thankful for my experiences. This year has been the most honest year that I’ve ever experienced. There have been some good times, some bad times and everything in between.

However, I’m happy that I’ve dealt with them and actually documented them on this blog. This has been my form of therapy and I also want to thank all of you for reading this stuff. You may not realize it, but every single post I have written has made me a better person. This has become my hobby and helped me through some tough times.

So thank you readers for everything.

I leave you with this story below. I get teary eyed every time I see it and gives me prospective. I seriously recommend that you watch it.

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