Saturday, April 5, 2008

Most Beautiful and Happy Campus I've Been To (Besides UCLA and Swarthmore)

We just finished playing Florida Gulf Coast here in muggy Ft. Myers Fla. and I have a few thoughts from the games this weekend.
1) Second most beautiful campus I've been to besides Swarthmore in Pennsylvania. All of the buildings are new because the school is literally only 10 years old and everything is new. Athletically, the baseball and softball fields are first class, the tennis facility looks amazing and they even have pools on campus. I wouldn't have gotten any work done if I went to school there. It would've been party time for me. I would have worked hard enough to get the degree, but I would have just hung out in the sun the rest of the time and not gone to class. It was cold at times at Vanderbilt so I would go to class to just kill time.
2) Second most happy campus I've been to. That honor goes to UCLA when I visited when I was looking at law and business schools a few years ago. I got free airline tickets to anywhere in the US and decided to hit LA. It was around February, the weather was in the mid-80's and I saw every ethnicity there smiling and enjoying life. Everyone was in shorts and happy to be there. Also, the best "talent" I've ever seen on a campus if you know what I mean. FGCU was such a warm and happy place, emphasis on the warm. I'm in the hotel room now and still feel like sweating.
3) Good job by our guys to get the final win in the series. Everyone needed that win and hopefully it can lead to something better.

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