Wednesday, April 23, 2008

...But I don't want to

I was speaking with the legend that is Sean Sawyer recently and we noticed that the signs in our office have Braille (I had to look it up to spell it correctly) writing on it for blind people. He said that it would be hard to learn Braille. BTW, the legend doesn't hate blind people.

He tells me that it would be bad to be blind and have to learn a new language. I agree but they would have no choice because if you’re blind, you have to learn it to survive. It would suck but it would have to get done.

Now, I’ve never been blind and I’m thankful for that. It always goes back to my theory that you have to be fortunate for what you have because someone else has it a lot worse then you have it.

Do I wish I had a different body type? A different type of hair? A different skin tone?

Do I wish I grew up with both parents in my home? Do I wish that I didn’t grow up in New York? Do I wish I experienced a different life then I have?

Honestly, many times.

I would love to be a really, really skinny guy for a day and see what happens. I would love to rock a massive afro and not come to the reality that I’m balding and those days are over. I’ll save the skin tone commentary for another blog post.

I would like to know what it would have been like to have my father living with me while growing up. Would I treat others differently, especially women?

I would like to know what I would have been like being raised in another city besides NYC? Would I still be a really nice guy to subconsciously fight against the stereotype of a “typical New Yorker?”

I would like the answers to all of these things, but that’s not who I am. We don’t know the answers to these questions because we aren’t meant to know them.

We’re given our deck of cards that’s life and we have to adapt to them whether we like them or not and there are times when I want to kill the dealer, but seeing how our dealer is the higher power we believe in, whether its God, Allah, Buddah or whatever, we don’t have that option.

We can either fight our fate…

Or we can accept it, compromise with it and learn our equivalent of a blind person learning Braille.

Hopefully in the future I won’t let the legend get me thinking deeply about something just by looking at a sign or was that meant to be?

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