Monday, May 19, 2008

The Beach

We had a good day here at DeLand for our baseball conference tournament. I took care of some work in the office, went to lunch at Arby’s, saw my first full-practice of the season and we went to the beach.

I’m usually not a fan of the beach because of the sand. However, when in DeLand, do like the locals to and head over to Daytona to the beach.

On the way there, we saw Daytona Speedway and as a gear head, that was cool. I may not be as big of a fan of auto racing as when I was a little kid, but come on, it’s Daytona. It’s a huge speedway.

So we head over to the beach and I’m wading in the water with the rest of the guys and they’re having a blast, doing goofy guy stuff that I’ve gotten used to.

It was so beautiful and peaceful there. I was able to just look out over the horizon and feel the cool waters of the Atlantic Ocean flow between my toes and marvel and the natural beauty of this earth.

I’m not a very religious man, I do believe in God and everything, but today was one of those moments when you just look out and just feel happy to be alive and able to witness everything.

On our way back, we saw a full moon cast above water while we were driving over a bridge. It was incredible and I mentioned that it looked like a postcard.

I know that I may sound like I complain about a lot of things on this blog. There are some moments where I make statements that make it seem like I’m unhappy with my life.

Honestly, there are always things in my life that I would like to improve on. However, I never take for granted the fact that I’m alive and functioning healthy.

At the beach, I saw these two people with someone that was mentally-challenged and confined to a wheelchair. I don’t know if the rest of the team saw them, I hope they did because maybe they realized how fortunate they were to be in Florida and get to play baseball while there are millions of others who don’t have that chance and aren’t as fortunate as us.

If Belmont wins the conference tournament or loses in two games, it matters little to me in comparison to the gift of life. All of us get wrapped up in wanting to be the best and winning everything and trust me; I want the guys to win their games. However, walking on the beach made me think about life.

It’s like when I was speaking to one of our coaches after a tough set of games. He was talking about how the wins and losses don’t matter in comparison to him being able to play with his two little kids every morning.

I forget this often but going to the beach made me remember that and for that, I’m thankful.

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