Monday, February 16, 2009

Sunday Reflections (on a Monday)

Its time for those Sunday Reflections (on a Monday):

Some Minus the Bear, excellent song:

Crush of the Day: Padma Lakshmi

All of you Top Chef fans out there know what I’m talking about.

-I intentionally didn’t do Reflections yesterday because I wanted everyone to have a chance to read my post on Valentine’s Day.

The reactions to it are what I expected. However, I did make an error in one thing.

I shouldn’t have lumped Valentine’s Day and weddings.

I can comprehend someone wanting to have their wedding be special. Hopefully,you’re your only one and it should be a nice day. Most people just seem to go overboard with trying to make their weddings perfect, spend a lot of money and lose focus on the true meaning of the event. Honestly, the cost of your dress, floral arrangement, decorations, food, etc. shouldn’t be an indicator of how much you really want to marry someone.

I still stand by my statement however that if a woman tells me that her ultimate dream is to be married and have a lavish wedding, I would run away.

However, in the end, if you want to spend money that you can put towards buying a house, starting a college fund for your future children or anything economically feasible to start your marriage so that you can spend six figures to make sure that you have the right music or right type of china for the guests who will not care in six months, go right ahead.

Nothing says love and marriage like starting off your union in thousands and thousands of dollars in debt. Good luck with that.

Oh, and if you have a wedding with either of these things:

1) Cash bar
2) No alcohol

You shouldn’t be allowed to have a holy union.

Anyway, had to say that about weddings. I really don’t care how some of you want to have that special day. It really doesn’t mean much to me, I probably won’t get married or maybe I will, whatever, lets move on.

-I still stand by my thoughts on Valentine’s Day though. Its one day out of hundreds. If you need a made up “holiday” to do something nice for your significant other, you suck as a boyfriend/girlfriend/mistress/husband/wife/jump off/friend with benefits and you should be ashamed of yourself.

-To prove several things:

1) I have a shocking amount of free time in my life
2) I love reading about all sports
3) My need to know something about everything.

Here’s an article I read about Kim Bain, the first woman to participate in the 2009 Bassmasters Classic:

The fact that I could name Kevin VanDam and Michael Iaconelli as former champions without looking it up is kinda cool and kinda sad.

-I’m catching up on my General Hospital right now and liking it. This drama with the poison and blowing up the hospital has given the show new life.

-Looking forward to Vandy vs. Kentucky tomorrow. Hopefully I can see you know who…

Have a good night and get some sleep out there.

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