Saturday, February 14, 2009

My thoughts on Valentine's Day

First, I was going to do my Crush of the Day on an athlete, but since it’s Valentine’s Day weekend, I have to go with my Ultimate Crush, Ashley Judd.

She will always be #1 on whatever list I have. That’s why I had to retire her from my top-five and make her a general manager to give some other women a chance. Hopefully, I will see her Tuesday night when Kentucky plays Vandy in men’s basketball.

OK, now that’s done, its time for my thoughts on Valentine’s Day.

For those of you who have read my Blog in the past, you would probably think that I would have a negative opinion of the “holiday,” and you would be right, sorta.

Tonight, there is a mixed martial arts event taking place in Nashville. I won’t be at it because I have to work, but a radio show that I listen to has been giving away free tickets to callers. However, since the event takes place on Valentine’s Day, some of the guys have said they can’t go and sound like pussy…cats when saying they can’t go. These events don’t happen everyday, they only happen every four or five months.

First, I’ve never had a girlfriend/wife/mistress/jump off/cuddle buddy/friend with benefits on Valentine’s Day. I’ve never had to deal with the issues of spending time with a significant other or buying them a gift, which I guess can be a good thing.

I remember back in high school when I was single and had to go to school on a Valentine’s Day. It felt like the longest day of the year for me. On the train ride back home, I felt so sad and when I finally got home, I started to cry because no one wanted to date me.

Since that time, I’ve moved on but those emotions don’t go away completely.

Now, I realize that this day is really more of a corporate development to make money. It truly is a “fake” holiday. Flower companies, card companies, candy makers and a few more places profit directly. Oh, restaurants do good as well.

However, I’ve always felt, as a man, that if you were dating someone and you only show your affection and appreciation for them on Valentine’s Day, you are not doing your job.

You should show your love for the significant other in your life everyday. Whether its telling them that you love them, give them a hug, hold hands, listen when they are expressing their feelings to you, make love with them, spending time with them in general.

If you base your relationship on only doing good things for your partner on the landmark days like birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, etc. Your relationship is either not going to last or is not sturdy to last through the tough times.

From the other prospective, if you’re a woman or really anyone in a relationship for that matter, you should demand more from your significant other then some gifts and a night out on the town only one day a year.

I would actually kinda be insulted if my girlfriend only showed affection towards me on Valentine’s Day with some candy and a card. Actually, I love candy, especially chocolate. If you don’t think that I’ve purchased heart-shaped candy only to eat it myself, well, grasshopper, you don’t even know.

OK, back to the main point. If I met a woman who was really into Valentine’s Day or even her wedding for that matter, then we probably won’t work out in the long run.

I was telling a friend yesterday that the worst thing that I can hear a woman say is that she is most looking forward to her wedding or Valentine’s Day, two materialistic moments in your life that mean nothing. Ladies, don’t do that.

I’ve relatively low-maintenance with this type of stuff in my life. I think that just listening to my girlfriend or telling her that I care about her is a lot more affectionate then getting her some jewelery or flowers. I do like to give gifts as well, actually more than receiving them, but those material things don’t express my feelings towards my girlfriend.

So while I used to be bitter about Valentine’s Day, to the point that I called it “V-Day,” and I know I’m not the only one who tried that method, I’ve come around on it because it does promote love, granted in a commercial, capitalist angle. People are expressing love to each other, which is good.

And that brings me to my final point on this post in relation to the MMA fight. If you’re a guy and handling your business on a daily basis with your significant other, you can tell her that tonight isn’t going to work because of the fights but we can do something tomorrow or even another time. She would understand and you can enjoy the MMA event. Shoot, she may even be down with attending the event with you and if that’s the case, you need to either marry her or get engaged.

However, if you can’t go to the event because you have to do Valentine’s Day stuff, that’s a shame on you moment.

I leave you with something from Love Jones, a very good movie that I haven’t seen in a long time. Fellas, poetry and music written by you about a lady is a great way to get in there. This is a prime example:

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Well, Etienne, I personally hate Valentine's as well, cause I'm always single, too. That said, i don't care what a girl says she wants her wedding day to be special. Please note special does not mean expensive, however I have yet to meet the woman who didn't make it a big deal. Even the most granola girl I know went a little crazy planning. Even when she said "oh I don't care." I mean come on, it's a once in a lifetime event.
As for Valentine's day, sorry it isn't the one day a year you treat your girl well, but it should be special. I certainly would prefer that over the "I'm still single" retread I get every year. Does this make me a fool who has fallen for the corporate message, the image, the competition? Yes.
I'm weak, sue me.

Anonymous said...

Ah, young grasshopper, when you get married you will want that day to be the most special your future wife has had in her whole life up to that point. It is the day that you make your spiritual covenant to God to love and treat your wife like Christ loves and treats the Church. THAT is why a wedding day is special beyond imagination...

Anonymous said...

whoever anonymous is...i agree completely. should have the balls to leave real name though.