Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday Reflections

What’s going on everyone. Its time for those Sunday Reflections. I know that I’ve linked to it in the past but I have to post some Talking Head. This is my second-favorite song ever from these guys. BTW, I would marry Tina Weymouth right now if she asked me, she is that bad ass:

Actually, let’s keep it relatively current with some Little People, a new group that I’ve gotten into. This track will chill you out. Having a relaxed mentality to life and listening to music like this has been tangible for me the past few weeks.

I said that I would do a general reflection on just having my 250th post on Pourtout Pancakes, but I usually don’t like looking back, I’m about moving forward. I’m proud of what I’ve produced and hope you’ve enjoyed it too. I do have some favorite posts from the past year, so I’ll post some of those through this week if I don’t have time for new content, including tomorrow, which I’ll get to later. On to the Reflections:

-So sorry that I didn’t do an MMA Review on Friday. It was actually a pretty slow week in MMA but it picks up big time the rest of the month starting this Saturday with a UFC pay-per-view, which I will preview this upcoming Friday. Of course we have Fedor vs. Arlovski, Machida vs. Alves and of course, B.J. Penn vs. Georges St. Pierre, who I still haven’t decided who will win but seeing how B.J. may be my favorite fighter ever, you probably can figure out who I’m siding with.

-This week wasn’t bad at all. I’ve decided to implement a healthier lifestyle into well, my lifestyle, and that has been good. I’m trying to watch what I eat, workout early in the morning, drink water and most importantly, getting sleep.

-We’ve had a lot of Belmont home basketball games in the past two weeks and that has been a good and not so good thing. Its been good because both teams are doing well and at the top or near the top of the A-Sun standings. The not so good part is that the students have been off-campus because of winter break, which really hurts attendance and energy in the building. We start classes back up on Wednesday so hopefully students will be back in town for Monday night’s games against Lipscomb, the big rival.

However, hosting the games can be draining at times but its also fun.

-Speaking of classes, I resume my studies on Wednesday for hopefully my final semester ever taking classes. Actually, I don’t know about that but for the near future, school needs to end for me. I’m looking forward to returning to classes and learning. I take a marketing and finance class this semester which are interesting topics in sports and areas I need more knowledge of.

-Weekend was good on the personal front. Went on a date on Saturday afternoon. Went to a coffee house and had hot chocolate. I know, odd. I’m definitely not going to jinx it by telling my millions and millions of readers about the details, but I will say that it went well. I was very nervous for it for some reason. But once we started talking, it was a normal conversation. She’s down with the sports, including soccer, which is cool. She’s a Colts fan, which may be a deal breaker because you know I can’t condone Peyton Manning as a Commodore. Just kidding, or am I? She’s not down with the mixed martial arts, but its all good.

You will get up to the date exclusive details right here and the Arizona Cardinals will play in the Super Bowl one day...wait what?

-I’m going to do my NFL Review on Tuesday, but I will hit you with some quick thoughts.

As a Giants fan, I’m more disappointed and as a Titans fan, I’m more pissed, if that makes sense. It will on Tuesday.

-I always watch the first episode of each season of 24 and end up not following through, but this season has been dramatic. I have no idea about the characters accept that Jack Bauer will get the job done. I’m not going to give stuff away from what happened because people may have not seen it but its been good so far.

-I saw a bumper sticker today that said “Boldly Going Nowhere.” That’s one of the best ones that I’ve ever seen. I love that attitude. It makes sense if you think about it.

-Why is it that every time I turn to Fox to see a sports game I have to hear Joe Buck? I have no beef with the guy, even though he pulls a “holier then thou” attitude at times, but how does he get the top announcing gig for baseball and football.

There have only been about two or three announcers that I can remember really wanting to announce a big game I was watching. The short list is John Madden (back in the day), Marv Albert, Keith Jackson. That’s it.

-Still haven’t started to learn French, but once my classes start up and my schedule becomes more routine, I will begin. I didn’t forget about that task.

-If you’re ever in Nashville, you have to head to Five Guys and get a burger there, it is the business.

-That’s all, gotta get that sleep I’m talking about. Have a good fight and an even better night.

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