Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday Reflections: Families Post

Heard this song while doing my homework and loved it the first time I heard it in the movie Hackers, one of my favorite movies ever.

OK, I finally get to blog after a long few days. I want to talk about some interesting interactions that I had with some women this week.

I was at a party in the middle of the week and one of the women there recently reached her mid-20’s. She was talking about how she was getting old and needed to start a family. I looked at her with a confused look like I had no idea what she was talking about. I told her that she was young, heck, she’s younger than me and that there’s no need for her to rush to start a family.

That was one thing, but then I had a conversation with one of my friends who is in her early 30’s and she was talking about her dating life and how she feels that her clock is ticking and she needed to find a man to start a family soon. I had the same reaction to my first incident and told her that you can’t force this stuff. Furthermore, she has all of these standards and procedures like she won’t date guys of a certain age, the guy has to call her, he has to have the same religious beliefs, like the same things, etc. I told her that if she really wants to get this plan going, she was going to have to be aggressive and open up her standards in the beginning and then start narrowing things down.

I told her that there isn’t a perfect man out there and that everyone has flaws. She told me that there is someone out there perfect for her and for me but I reject that quickly.

I don’t believe in love at first site, soul mates, perfect partners, true love and everything else associated with it. No one is perfect and you aren’t going to find someone who works for you completely. You just have to look at the pros and cons of who you’re with and hope that the positives outweigh the negatives.

I then told her that if she didn’t get married at a certain point to have a kid, she can always adopt, which wasn’t received well.

She didn’t seem to like the conversation and got mad at me but whatever.

My thought is that if you were meant to have a family and do the domestic thing, then it will happen.

I really don’t care if I have no kids or ten kids. If I meet someone and start a family, cool. If not, that’s fine as well.

However, after talking with these two women who have good careers and are quality people, do all women feel this void in their life? Is it a southern women thing because both of these women are from southern states and have some “southern belle” qualities about them which can be a good and bad thing depending on how you look at it.

And why do I seem to not have this desire to have children and start a family? As I’ve stated in the past, I’m not interested in getting married or having children for a long time and no disrespect to my two friends who are attractive and would peak my interest physically and mentally, if I didn’t know them and either one came up to me and starting talking about all of this family stuff, I’m running the other way quickly.

Furthermore, let me explain something about children. Lots of people and I’m not saying my friends are in this category seem to only think of the children when they’re babies and cute.

Look, I like babies. They’re cute, you can dress them in whatever you want and they help your taxes. Its like seeing a dog learn how to talk.

But that cute baby phase ends after a year, 18 months tops. It seems like all of these people wanting to start families look at the first two years of the child as the only reference points.

That kid is going to grow up, do stupid things and possibly destroy your life. Children aren’t fun, they’re a bitch to raise and can be a pain in the ass that you have to deal with the rest of your life.

I have nieces and nephews that I’ve seen grow up from babies to high school age and it’s a good time, but I get to see them in spurts and not every day. Every single day, your kid wants something from you, needs something from you and you’re legally obligated to provide for them. That’s does not sound like fun times if you’re not ready.

I just fear that people don’t think about this stuff from a realistic prospective like I do. My prospective may sound harsh, but its honest.

But I’m not the standard of how anyone should live their life. I think people should live their own life and keep it moving so I hope that both of my friends find that special guy in their life and fulfill whatever they’re looking for.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Am I misinformed, looking at this too narrowly or is there something else going on. Let me know.

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