Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My Super Spectacular NBA Draft Preview

Its time for that NBA Draft Preview for the potential non-NBA fan. I’m contemplating doing a diary of the draft but that’s The Sports Guy territory but what the heck, I’m trying to make an impact here so you may see me try something like that. For now, let’s get a Preview in the books.

Music to listen to: Tonto by the Battles

I know that I put them up a few days ago but here it is again.

One of my favorite sports nights of the year is always the NBA Draft. Even if your team doesn’t have a high draft choice there’s always activity with trades and potential free agent signings.

Furthermore, you have the combination of analysis, players being in the green room waiting to be picked, fashion choices (you know that Brandon Jennings is going to wear something different), seeing mothers crying, fathers trying to look too serious, agents on telephones, etc.

The fashion deserves it own mention. You can see new millionaires wearing these outfits on the biggest day of their young professional life.

It brings me to my favorite surreal moment ever in the NBA Draft and then I promise to get to some team analysis.

For the uninformed, the NBA Draft runs very similar to the NFL Draft in that the leagues select about six or seven players to sit in the backstage area with their families so that when their name is called, they can walk on the stage wearing the ball cap of the team that selected them and shake commissioner David Stern’s hand. Always entertaining to see how tall a player is and even see their body type.

In 2001, the Philadelphia 76ers had a late first-round pick and decided to pick Seton Hall center Samuel Dalembert. Usually when the pick isn’t in the building, Stern just says that the next team in the draft slot is on the clock or something along those lines. Before Stern could do that, the cameras point to the audience and who comes hopping over the railing unannounced to meet Stern on the stage, Dalembert himself.

One more thing, he was in a full suit.

Of course the crowd cheers because the draft was in the NYC like this year and he’s a local guy. I think they were cheering him on because it was a surreal moment.

I remember watching that moment on TV and just shaking my head.

OK, on to the picks and other general NBA thoughts:

-Why doesn’t Phil Jackson just retire already? His whole “maybe I’ll only coach home games” is just another example of him wanting his ego stroked.

So many of these guys are the same way. Despite so much success they want to be constantly wanted. Why do you think we have to deal with the constant stuff with Brett Favre?

Jackson just wants everyone to tell him that he’s a great coach and we want him to stay around and be graced by his presence.

He’s not getting that here and Kobe is the head coach of that team anyway. Go sit back on your chair, keep your arms crossed and act like you care on the sidelines.

-How did Richard Jefferson end up on the Spurs? Economics and this won’t be the first significant example of this we’re going to see in the future with this economy.

I figured that I will look at only the lottery teams picking in tomorrow or tonight’s NBA Draft, depending on when you read this. I’ll tell you who I think they should pick and who they will eventually pick. However with potential trades and idiotic general managers, the goal of this isn’t to make every pick correct because that’s impossible.

1) Los Angeles Clippers: Should/Will take Blake Griffin, Oklahoma.

They need pretty much everything accept maybe shooting guard and small forward. Ed Gordon and Al Thornton man those positions and have decent potential. They could use a point guard but Baron Davis makes too much money to invest in that spot, similar to center and Chris Kamann. At this stage, you take the most talented player and that goes to Griffin. I’m mixed on what I think he will do. He has excellent athleticism but if that was an indicator of success in the NBA, Stromile Swift would be a multi-time All-Star by now. He has to develop his raw skills if he’s going to become an elite player but the potential is there.

If anything, the Clippers need to draft a new coach and general manager who happens to be the same person, the inept Mike Dunleavy. Why he’s still employed is beyond me.

2) Memphis Grizzlies: Should/Will take Hasheem Thabeet, Conneticut

I don’t like Thabeet as a player. I think that he’s soft. I saw his games against Pittsburgh, a physical team that plays an interior game that he’s going to have to deal with in the NBA and saw him play smaller then he should. However, the one thing that Memphis can really use is size and he’s the best post player available.

I’ve thought about Rubio, Evans, Curry, Harden and even Jordan Hill for them but none of them fit and it isn’t because of Mike Conley. People are acting like Memphis won’t take a guard because of Conley. If Conley was so great, why did Memphis play O.J. Mayo at point for a significant part of last season?

I would be concerned about both Rubio and Thabeet ditching individual workouts with Memphis because I think neither one wants to play for them, which I understand. The Grizzlies are probably the weakest NBA franchise in the league right now because of the lack of fan support, small market and losing mentality. Not many guys are going to run towards that situation.

In the end I think that they will either take Thabeet or trade the pick.

3) The team formerly known as the Seattle Sonics: Should take Thabeet. Will take Tyreke Evans, Memphis.

Yeah, still bitter about the move to Oklahoma City. I like the makeup of this team’s young core of Kevin Durant, Jeff Green and Russell Westbrook. They need more size and if Thabeet is at this spot, they should take him.

However, since I think that the Grizzlies take Thabeet, lets look at the options for them. You could go with Rubio or Stephen Curry but those point guards don’t fit in with Westbrook. James Harden is a possibility as well.

In the end, I’m going to say that they go with Evans, who gives them the physical presence as a combo guard that will fit their needs the best.

4) Sacramento Kings: Should/will take Ricky Rubio, Spain

This is a pick that not only fits for them on the court but off the court as well. The fans will be excited seeing this guy play and he will have an immediate positive impact for the Kings.

I’m on the positive side of seeing the potential of Rubio. I like that he’s a pure point guard with some good height. Yes, he’s skinny but he will gain weight in a good way in a few years. I liked how he looked in the Olympics as well. It’s always tough to evaluate foreign players because most of us haven’t seen them play enough to gain an evaluation. I’m just not a fan of the rest of the players available.

5 and 6) Minnesota Timberwolves: Should/will take Stephen Curry, Davidson and James Harden, Arizona State:

Minny traded away their starting backcourt of Randy Foye and Mike Miller to get the #5 pick so they need major guard help.

I’m a big fan of Curry and not so much of Harden. I think that Curry can be an All-Star because he can shoot and is a much better ball handler then people are giving him credit for. He’s never going to be a speed demon like Rondo, Chris Paul, Tony Parker, Derrick Rose and others of that ilk. However, he’s going to be in the right place at the right time and make his shots.

Harden is a tall shooting guard who also lacks the speed that I would like to see from him. However, he a natural scorer and that’s what Minnesota will need to complement Kevin Love and Al Jefferson who will be doing their damage in the post.

Mid-lottery Music you should listen to: Szamar Madar by Venetian Snares

7) Golden State Warriors: Should/will take Jordan Hill, Arizona

The Warriors need a power forward who can score and Hill fits that role. However, when you are dealing with this team, you never know. I wouldn’t be shocked if they took a point guard, even though they will probably trade Jamal Crawford and are still keeping Monta Ellis at this moment. They also have plenty of wing guys like Biedrins and Randolph but those guys aren’t physical enough. Don Nelson, just take Hill and don’t get intrigued by DeMar DeRozan or Jrue Holiday.

8) New York Knicks: Should take Jrue Holiday, UCLA. Will take DeMar DeRozan, USC

Actually as a Knicks fan, I wouldn’t be mad at either of these picks. Both guys are athletic guards who will thrive in D’Antoni’s system. However, I think that the need is greater for the Knicks at point guard and like Holiday over DeRozan.

9) Toronto Raptors: Should take Holiday or DeRozan. Will take Jonny Flynn, Syracuse

The Raptors can use some some point guard help and I’m going to say they take Flynn. If DeRozan is available, they will jump on him correctly. I can see Holiday here as well.

10) Milwaukee Bucks: Should/will take Holliday

With the trading of Richard Jefferson to San Antonio, they need scoring so whoever is left from the DeRozan, Holiday and Flynn platter will be taken. Look out for Gerald Henderson out of Duke in this spot.

11) New Jersey Nets: Should/will take Brandon Jennings, Italy

I know what you’re thinking. Why would they take a point when they have Devin Harris? I see your angle but at this stage, you have to take the most value with the pick. Henderson isn’t a bad option. I’ve seen Jeff Teague out of Wake Forest in this spot and he’s another point guard you can look at. However, I’m going to say that the Nets are going to take the guy with the most potential and stick him in the bench and let him develop.

12) Charlotte Bobcats: Should take Gerald Henderson. Will take Tyler Hansbrough, UNC.

Let’s see. The Bobcats have shown their love for Tarheels in the past with taking Sean May and Raymond Felton in the past. Plus Larry Brown, the head coach is a Tar Heel. Who runs the team? Michael Jordan, Tar Heel Emeritus. Not only will they sell tickets, Tyler will actually be a serviceable guy for those guys.

13) Indiana Pacers: Should/will take Jeff Teague, Wake Forest

He provides them with an explosive guard who can get his own shots. Furthermore, this will separate them from the Jamall Tinsley era, which is always a good thing.

14) Phoenix Suns: Could/should take Gerald Henderson

Athletic guard who will fit in their system.

OK, that’s a quick guide of the draft for you. I think you should at least watch the first hour of the Draft if anything to see what it’s about.

Good fight and good night everybody.


Jared said...

Phil Jackson had Michael Jordan...Then had Kobe/Shaq and Kobe...Not much coaching needed with players/teams like that.

Al_Roker said...

You totally got your fashion pics from the SI article.