Monday, June 15, 2009

Sunday Reflections on a Monday

Hey everyone, its time for those Sunday Reflections

Music to listen to: Creep by Stone Temple Pilots

In the continuing tradition of posting my favorite song from a road trip that played on my radio, here’s some STP with Creep.

The other two choices were some Justin Timberlake and some Phish. Maybe I’ll get to those songs later this week.

-The reason that I was traveling so much this week, hence the lack of posts, was to attend my grandfather’s funeral.

If you’re a long-time reader of this Blog, you can reference my posts about my grandmothers passings last year to gain a prospective of how I look at death. We all die one day and need to look at the positives and not fear it.

The main thing that I’ll remember about him is that he may have been the biggest influence on me becoming a sports fan and setting the path that I’m on right now.

Back in the day when I was even six or seven years old, I had a passion for following sports. I’m talking about reading articles, looking at all of the reports on TV, watching every Mets and New York Rangers game as possible, etc. However, this passion had to be reinforced and that’s where my grandfather and uncles come into play.

I would literally get quizzed by them every time that we would have family gatherings on the weekends. They knew that I had an interest in it and that my mother had limited knowledge on the subject. It got to the point where I was preparing to discuss the latest topics in the sports world before our meetings.

So while the proceedings were taking place this weekend, I kept thinking about those days when I would sit with him for hours talking about wrestling, football and our mutual favorite team, the New York Mets. Those days are missed.

-Speaking of the Mets, good job guys finding two extreme ways to lose to the Yankees. On Friday, this happened…

And then they get shut out yesterday with Santana getting rocked in the process. Brutal and that’s just how it is when you’re a Mets fan.

-This is what I wrote after the Lakers won the NBA Finals last night on Facebook and it got some major responses:

“…and the Lakers win another title...I don't give a damn about your kids Kobe, stop putting them in the spotlight. We all know that you cheated on their mother and you're putting them out there for your image. Good job smiling Vanessa Bryant, your fakeness is inspiring.”

I still stand by what I said. We all have pet peeves in life and one of mine is fakeness and Kobe is a prime example of that. I get tired of seeing his children put on display to exude this family man act and that’s what it is. He may be a good father or a bad father, none of us knows. But it isn’t a coincidence that you always see his two daughters dressed up in Lakers clothing to be parlayed out there. We know the truth about him.

As for Vanessa Bryant, its her life and her marriage but she looks way too happy for someone who got cheated on in public for the world to see and then always seems to take material goods like jewelry, cars or clothing like all is well.

Just a thought. As one of my main men Param said to me, “walk a mile in another man’s shoes.”

-Congrats to the Pittsburgh Penguins for winning the Stanley Cup this weekend as well.

-I was going to talk about some non-sports related items now but I’ll hold off on that for the moment because its time for a major announcement…

I’m starting a second Blog called The Sports Observer next week. More details will be available later. But I can tell you that it will be a daily sports site with news and commentaries from various minds throughout the universe.

The unfortunate part about this is that Pourtout Pancakes will not have as much new material. The plan is for Pancakes to have a new post once every three to four days. Furthermore, it will most likely be non-sports related and focus more on things like music, television, politics, etc.

That’s it for now, have a good week.

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