Friday, April 24, 2009

An Observation and Crush of the Day

Sorry that I haven’t written on the blog in the past few days, I’ve been pathetically busy in the past few days, which I’ll get to later. But first, some business:

Music to listen to: Optimistic by Radiohead

I was going to post some Depeche Mode or even Mars Volta for the People’s Champion to explain one of the names of one of my fantasy baseball teams, but this excellent song by Radiohead came up on Pandora, so here you go.

I remember when Radiohead was at its peak as far as attention and they used to annoy me because I was told constantly by everyone how awesome they are. Its similar to my issues with people always telling me TV shows are great, this stuff makes me less likely to actually watch or listen to it. Anyway, over the years, I’ve begun to appreciate this group.

BTW, they kick Coldplay’s ass any day of the week and its not even close.

Crush of the Day: Nicole Scherzinger

I go back with her through Eden’s Crush. Come on, I know every one of you remembers the hit song, Get Over Yourself (Goodbye). I still can hum the melody right now.

I saw some pictures of her recently and was reminded of how brilliant she is. Trust me, those pictures are the PG version. I seriously suggest that you do a Google search of her when you’re home. You won’t be disappointed.

OK, on to her credentials. She’s 30, from Hawaii, supporter of Barack Obama and currently dating Lewis Hamilton, only the best race car driver in the world currently doing his thing in Formula One. That’s a winner. She will definitely make my bench when I update my top-five.

-We’re too busy in our society. I’m currently writing this at midnight during a study break for a final that I have to take tomorrow because I couldn’t originally take it on Wednesday night because I had to work another baseball game, which I have another one of tomorrow, check that, two games tomorrow which I will head straight to after taking the final. I’m written part of this in the office preparing for the game at 11:30 p.m. What is all of this for?

I was talking with one of my friends Mete about our society turning into a group of overachievers working laterally. Honestly for all of the overtime that we do, the extra hours in the office, the extra classes we take in school, the additional meetings attended from the extra clubs and organizations that we join, what’s the benefit?

As I head towards graduation in the next three weeks, was the choice to attend graduate school really worth the effort?

Loyal readers are probably telling me to remember my motto, “no complaints, no excuses,” and that’s fair, but I’m more tired now than ever and true, I’m heading towards the end of my last semester of school in the most busy part of baseball season, however, have I earned what I came here to do?

It seems like everyone that I speak to is busy. Everytime I speak to someone and ask them how they’re doing, they usually tell me some form of “I’m busy.” This wouldn’t be a major problem if I didn’t see that the people telling me this look unhappy. They will, and I do the same thing, give the smile and laugh about it but I know that they secretly are working hard towards something that they don’t want or are unsure of what they are working so hard for. I know I feel this way often.

What’s the solution? I don’t think that there is a resolution to this. I know that after I finish my stuff up here at Belmont, I think that I’m going to take some time off to dedicate to myself and acknowledge what I truly want to do with my life and I’m not talking about just the career.

I know that I will work in sports and do something professionally that helps people. However, I really need to figure out what I want personally. That’s why the posts last week about what city I should move to are a microcosm of a major transformation that I may undertake.

I’m at an age where if I really want to do things like start a family, get married, etc., I need to consider that stuff now. This doesn’t mean that I have to get in a serious relationship immediately and start churning out babies but I don’t want to be a loner for the rest of my life.

I must acknowledge that more of my friends and family are getting married, starting families of their own and I’m envious in some ways. I don’t want to be doing what I’m doing now 10 years from now. I would like to come home, kick it with the wife, shadow box and wrestle with the sons and daughters, watch my highlights on ESPN, watch that day’s episode of General Hospital and then go to sleep.

Can I achieve this stuff working in sports? Maybe or maybe not. However, either way, I need to determine some things in my life.

OK, that wasn’t meant to be that long but sometimes I get going.

Long story short, don’t let this life run you. Take moments to enjoy this journey.

-OK, that’s going to be it for tonight, I need to get some rest for tomorrow. I was going to hit on For the Love of Ray J, General Hospital, the NBA Playoffs, Fantasy Baseball, etc. but I’m pooped.

Saturday and Sunday are free for me so I’ll get to those eventually, including Part Tres of Where Should I Move To and a Show that Used to be the Business.

Until then, good fight and good night.

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