Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sunday Reflections on a Wednesday (Deal with it)

First, some business:

Music to listen to: Dusk You and Me by Groove Armada

The chill music returns!

Crush of the Day: Maria Menunos

I saw some old episodes of One Tree Hill where she had a running storyline. Looked amazing. She's still in the top-five.

You know, you go for two weeks without doing a post and people think that the Blog is over. That's far from the truth. Pourtout Pancakes will not end as long as I can keep it going.

However, there are going to be periods where I may take a week or two off, especially when I have things going on in my life. In the past two weeks, I've gotten a new job at TNA Wrestling, so I will be in Nashville for a while, contemplated things in my future and am currently in Georgia spending some valuable time with the family. Also, my computer broke down and that messes you up just a little bit when you're trying to produce a Blog on a Web site.

Long story short, I've intentionally kept a low profile this past month but I'm going to start breaking out of that. Furthermore, I've been trying to get my other Blog,, go ahead and check it out, up and going. That's been OK but I've taken a break from that as well because outside of Brett Farve annoying us and some baseball stuff, this has been a slow time in sports until football starts. Thankfully, training camps are starting up and that will give me plenty of content.

OK, now that's covered, I do have one Reflection for you.

-I'm definitely not getting married and/or having children until I'm 30. I've come across this thought while watching the 16 and Pregnant show on MTV. My goodness, I've intentionally told my 14-year-old niece to watch that show to make sure that she knows the struggles of being a teenage daughter if she ever went down that path. How does that relate to me?

I'm 28, so I have about four or five more years to continue my baller and shot caller ways before its may be time to settle down and start producing little Pourtouts.

But really, I'm not in a rush in so much as realizing that I'm at an age and place in my life to actually start a family.

I realize this stuff even more when I kick it with my nieces and nephews who I literally changed the diapers of and now two of them are in high school. All of this gives you prospective of your age and where you stand.

So while watching the MTV show, I look at the prospects of children and potentially marriage and realize that even at this stage of my life, I'm not ready for that.

Just a thought. I'm going to try to post some more here but if I go a week or two without a post, don't freak.


meggie said...

congratulations on the job! what are you doing for them?

G. McMahon said...

Does this blog or the Sports Inquirer ever get updated? This will soon be off my favorite list.