Friday, July 4, 2008

Take a moment...

I was watching Scrubs tonight as usual and possibly my favorite episode ever was on. Its called “My Old Lady” and it was from the first season. Details about the episode are here:

It’s an excellent episode when the three interns, J.D., Turk and Elliot have to deal with the death of each of their patients for the first time of their career.

I like the episode because it makes you think about your life and cherishing the moments you have on this earth.

I think that it was fitting that this episode came on because I’ve just hit a financial bump in my road of life. I won’t bore you with the details but it sucks and I’ll have to deal with it.

The point is that I was just spending the last few hours thinking about all of these material things, feeling negative thoughts and then this episode comes on. It made me take a step back and just take a breath.

I know that my problem won’t go away immediately and some things will need to be done. However, if I just look at the overall picture, I will be fine. I have my health, a roof over my head and all of the basics I need.

Heed the advice from this episode and you will be better in your life. I’ve included the ending below. Stay strong.

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