Thursday, July 3, 2008

Does kissing count as cheating?

I was watching the latest episode of the Real World on MTV and an interesting situation came up.

Will recently started dating Janelle and the two of them were becoming serious very quickly only after a few weeks. So Will is hanging out with Janelle back at the house on the eve of the housetrip to Mexico. Will wants to hook up with Janelle but she rejects him.

So the cast heads out to Mexico and on the first night, Will has a few drinks and kisses a fellow housemate Brittani, who has a boyfriend. The two of them had been flirting for weeks and they are attracted to each other. They only kiss.

Both of them feel like they cheated on their partners. Nothing happens for the rest of the trip between the two of them. Once they return to America, Will calls Janelle and tells her that he kissed Brittani. Janelle gets mad and says that she doesn’t want to see Will. So Will in his infinite wisdom decides to have a foursome with his male roommate and two females they meet at the bar.

Yeah, I said foursome. Its gross just thinking about it.

Anyway, Will then is all sad about it and decides that he needs to see Janelle. The two of them meet up at a restaurant and Will forces some fake ass tears and the two of them decide to try to rebuild the relationship. Of course Will decides not to tell Janelle about the foursome, but that’s not the point.

Did Will’s kiss count as cheating?

I’m not naïve enough to say that the foursome isn’t cheating. That was wrong and very, very nasty.

I’ve never had a serious girlfriend in my life, so I may not be the best source for this, but I don’t think that the kissing was cheating.

I’ve always been under the impression that any sexual activity, however you want to define it, is cheating. I don’t count kissing in that category.

I think that people make mistakes in relationships, especially when you include distance and alcohol. Now, should Will have kissed his roommate? Probably not, but he’s a guy and he acknowledged his mistake.

If I was officially dating someone for a few weeks and she told me that she kissed a guy, I would be upset about it but it wouldn’t necessarily be a deal breaker. I would try to adjust to the situation. I would hope that she wouldn’t do it again. If she had sex with somebody while dating me, that’s a deal breaker.

I was also watching King of Queens tonight and the episode kinda touched on this issue. A guy named Deacon, who was married, was going to see an old female friend behind his wife’s back. He wasn’t having sex or any physical contact with the friend. According to Deacon, they were just talking to each other. However, Deacon’s wife and female friend declared that he was cheating. Of course Doug, Deacon’s male friend, thought that there was no cheating.

This one is a little different because it involves a wife and I’m surely not an expert on that. I guess according to my definition that Deacon wasn’t cheating, but I can definitely see a different prospective on this one as well. At first glance, I would say that Deacon wasn’t doing anything wrong, but I want your opinion on this.

So, does kissing count as cheating? Also, does hanging out with another woman count as cheating? I would love your thoughts.

Here’s maybe the greatest modern song about cheating by Justin Timberlake. His band is amazing in this performance by the way. I also threw in Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood since I'm in Nashville. Its not the actual music video because I can't embed it. The music video

I will say this. If a girl messed up my car like that, problems, that's all I'm saying. I don't condone violence, but she will have to be taken out.

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